Jurassic Putt at Chingacousey Park: A Mesozoic Mind Quicky

Yeah, despite college, this blog is still planned to resume. Here's a quicky to start things up again and get back my mojo as it were.

So back a few weeks ago, me and a friend of mine were gonna got to Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton only for it to be closed for the season, so we went to Chingacousy Park instead. We thought it was nice, with iys petting zoo and library within it, and we has just finished making a round about it. But then we saw a banner with a stock model of a Triceratops on it (one of the better ones anatomically and aesthetically, in my personal opinion).

Sure enough, as we went up and passed it, we saw an entire miniature minigolf course of animatronic dinosaurs, many of whom seem to be repurposed into statues, apparently first opened this year. It's name is a cheeky and obvious reference to you know what.

Most of the animatronics are of the usual Jurassic Park-aping Awesomebro era with all that entails. I can recognise a few, like Amargasaurus and Parasaurolophus, and of course a tyrannosaur, as well as at least two stegosaurs. Or at least, that's what I remember. Meanwhile, there are a few half hearted theming attempts, like the volcano seen above.

My personal favourite is the Brachiosaurus.

The limbs are chopped off to it can fit. Even then, the statue is loomingly huge in both person and in my mind.

Meanwhile the entrance, which I didn't photograph, was this big red rex mouth. It was pretty nice in a cheesy way.

There also do appear to be plinths in the course I think infomation about each dinosaur is written on. Sadly, it was closed for the season, so I couln't get a better look at anything. And honestly that's all I can say about Jurassic Putt. My visit was so brief I can't even remember much of the final details. I mean, what else can I say about it? That it's just one of millions of cheap cookie cutter attractions with cheap foreign-made dinosaur models across the world? That the dinosaurs are cheesy and generic at best?

Overall, the Jurassic Putt is just what it look likes, a cheap attraction for kids and families not meant to be accurate in the slightest. I'm sure kids and even a few older thn theem have fun at it, and if i'm being honest, young me would have begged my parents to go here.

I hope even in these dark times I will post here more just like I did - if with quality over quantity this time.

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