Random Palaeo-Work idea of the Day #25

Gertie the Dinosaur reboot

Yes, that Gertie the Dinosaur. Hooray for public domain!

Premise for it?

An adventurous young girl in the early 1910's ends up in another world and meets the friendly but attention-loving Gertie the Dinosaur, and they embark on an adventure through it to get back home, through three lands known as Turfs and coming into conflict (not nessicarily fights) with other giant denizens.
This could be either a movie, a TV series, or a game.

Characters I have so far are:
  • Gertie the Dinosaur - A female sauropod dinosaur who wants to be the most well known in the Three Lands.
  • Jumbo the Mammoth - A grumpy Mammoth and Gertie's archnemesis, from the EarthTurf.
  • Coatlo the Tetradrake - A giant four-winged reptile that lives on a mountain in the SkyTurf.
  • Leviatho the Sea Serpent - A sea serpent that lives in a great expanse of water in the WaterTurf.
  • Mary McCay - The girl mentioned in the plot summary. Yes, she's named after Windsor McCay, as well as his daughter Marion (heck, I might even make her Marion herself).
The animation would be 2D, and the aesthetics of the film would be based off cartoons and media of the 1910's and early 20th century, palaeoart included.

Special thanks goes to Art Maker Productions for inspiring this with his Sailing Hearts series which also Gertie in it.

Thank you for reading.


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