Quickies off my chest #1

This is just a way to get a post in this month before its too late.

Closed Exhibits at the Royal Ontario Musum

In March I saw two temporary exhibits at the Royal Ontario Museum that have since left the building. 

First, there is Zuul. You may have heard of the Zuul exhibit back in 2017 (it was great), but for aa few months the holotype of the ankylosaur named after the Ghostbusters monster was brought back, the specimen placed against a wall, with a skull cast in a seperate cabinent.

It isn't much, but its cool to see again.

It just so happemns to be right next to another temp exhibit now closed, the Field Museum's Death: Life's Greatest Mystery, about well, death. It uses both models and specimens to tell the scientific processes of death, how it woeks and nature, and cultural perceptions and practives of moueni
Death only features a few fossils in it. The first are a bonebed of the basal camelid Leptomeryx, part of the section about the processes of death to the body.

The other two are a cast of the famous Broomistega and Thrinaxodon pair and a Megalodon tooth recovered from an Indeginous site, respectively in the section about how animals percieve death and human cultural attitudes toward it.

Death was pretty good. It really made you think about the big things in life and well, death. Bit annoyed there aren't more fossils in i, but its not quite the point of it.

Egglicious Dinosaur Statue

I've passed by this Triceratops statue outside Egglicious Cafe on Kipling several times, but only recently did I get a good shot of it, en route to and from Col. Sam Smith Park.

Always nice to see modern dinosaurs next to our own restorations

It seems that based off Google Maps, its moved from a position to its left to the lawn in front, not to mention once had horns in full.

I think the statue was a commerial concrete statue you can purchase online, as I've sworn I saw pictures of one like it elsewhere.

That's all for now, bye. Glad I got it off my chest.


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