Coming Attractions: Giant Screen Films' T. Rex

Yes, that's Mark Witton's art

I'M NOT DEAD YET! Anyway, here's an update on an upcoming palaeo-work, its trailer uploded earlier this month.

T. Rex is an upcoming documentary released by Giant Screen Pictures and directed by David Clark about what is pretty much the default dinosaur and its biology, following both the lives of one and a palaeontological dig from last year. Funnily rnough, this is the second T. rex-centric doc he's made: the Waking the T. Rex: The Story of Sue from 2010 was the first.

From the trailer features the usual suspects of the Hell Creek Formation: besides Rex, you have Trike, Edmonto, and Quetzalcoatlus, as well as the oviraptorosaur Anzu being forced into the classic "Egg thief" role. The trailers also show we will have moments flashing back to Middle Jurassic with Guanlong. As well as that, the website mentions "its carnivorous Cretaceous cousins", which could mean we could see other tyannosaurs too.

Now I'll be honest: I'm one of those folks who think T. rex is overrated in public consiousness and there are way more interesting dinosaurs out there; point is, I'd rather have a docu focused on more obscure stuff. This doc seems to be like Baz Lurhmann's Elvis film in being a look at a well known figure we've come to take for granted at this point. But honestly,

The film looks pretty nice. The CG models seem detailed, and the movements are great, if nothing special. The cinemtography also seems to look great, with a lot of shots that show off the huge beast T. rex was. I especially like the night shot of the T. rex and Triceratops, which goes real hard with the daerk setting and fireflies (if that even means anything).
Also, I'm honestly most excited to see Champsosaurus, which appears in the water. It's a reptile that has barely appeared outside palaeoart, and while hardly the most unique or exciting of reptiles, accounts for something.

Also also, some of the scenes remind me of Prehistoric Planet, whether it be the designs (even having the same stripes on jaws and feathers), or scenes, like a rex with a dead mosasaur on a beach or even confronting a Quatezalcoatlus. Its just me, though, and I'm sure that they will be much more different.

I am also not a fan of the impact font used in the trailer. They feel rather cheap and small, and make it look . Man, I miss when trailers had narration. Heck, even their previous doc Dinosaurs of Antarctica had narration in its trailer, so why not here?

But otherwise I look forward to Giant Screens' Rex. Hopefully I can convince my mum to see it, or catch it online "legally".

Sources/See Also


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