Random Palaeo-Work idea of the Day #18 and a big announcement

Hello, everybody. I'm just here to add the latest RPWIOTD, and something I will be doing this weekend you'll findf very interesting.

The River Styx

This would be a horror/survival story about a palaeontology student visiting his rural family in Montana and goes fishing together, only to get into a time warp back in time, to (where else?) the Hell Creek Formation 66 million years ago - during a weat season and when the forests are flooded. Stuck on an island, they must find a way off and more importantly a way back to their time - but the local wildlife is going to make that very difficult, as they're mere appearence disturbs them and drives them nuts - though some of the humans aren't helping either.

The major creatures in the story, and the subjects of each setpiece would be:
  • The crocodilians BorealosuchusBrachychampsa, and Thoracosaurus. They would be the main threat the characters face, as many of them choose to bask on the island and get into conflict with each other. 
  • The giant salamander Habrosaurus. Encountered during a raft sequence.
  • Tyrannosaurus, of course, seen swimming just like a certain series does, but also a certain novel.
  • Azhdarchid (not Quetzalcoatlus in this case). It would land on the island and pester the humans.
The characters for the story meanwhile are:
  • Devin Coleman, a university student and palaeontology enthusiast, who visits Jeb between dig and studies.
  • Jeb Coleman, a Montanan bar owner, and Devin's divorced, gun-nut dad. Initially he's a standard redneck: gung ho and dismissive of Devin's more liberal attitudes (esprcially in regards to sciences); However, as the story goes on and after getting into scrapes every time, we see he does have depths to him and grows to appreciate Devin's mindset.
  • Andy and Scott Coleman, Jeb's idiot sons who bully Devin, but get humbled too.
I might actually try to write this story concept up into a full story... keyword try, as knowing me and my ADHD do get in the way a lot on writing anything, let alone multipage stories and fleshing out the plot.

Now for the big announcement I had promised at the start of this.

I'm going to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago!

More specifically, my family is going to the Illinois windy city for my cousin's wedding, and I hope to visit the Field Museum the day before it. While I have been in the city to visit my aunt before, I have not been to the Field in years - last time was before SUE the T. rex moved to her new suite and Maximo the Patagotitan hadn't arrived yet. I believe it way back in the early 2010s, maybe even earlier (my memory's gone foggy). By all means, I am very stoked for a chance to revisit it, and see the iconic fossil gallery Evolving Planet, and of course se SUE.

Goodbye for now, and check my Twitter and Mastodon accounts for updates on the Chicago visit. Fingers crossed for a chance.



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