Coming Attractions/Unscripted Thoughts: Prehistoric Planet: Season Two
Ever since it premeired, palaeo-fans jave been clamouring for more of Prehistoric Planet. Once a season was confirmed, fans went in wondering what it would be about, and many thought it would not be released until many years. But lo and behold: first came a tweet of a Tarchia , and now what has showed up last week: the teaser trailer for Prehistoric Planet : Season Two . Despite just being, well, a teaser, the teaser looks great, and gets everyobe even more hyped up. Let's dissect it scene by scene, shall we? The teaser itself starts off with Hatzegopteryx , a fitting choice when it was the last creature seen in season one. Here, it's not seen devouring baby dinosaurs, but two courtshipping one another as the beautiful music plays and David's narration for the teaser waxes about how there's always more to discover about Earth, which is quite befitting for seeing more of what we already loved. As every teaser does, we then see glimpses of what's to come in the secon...