Mesozoic Mind: Thoughts on 2022

Well, it's been a long year full of eventful crap in real life and online, not all of it good, but I persevered through it and refused to let it affect me. All aided by a very good year for palaeo-media, including yes, the debut of the seminal Prehistoric Planet, probably the biggest thing in palaeo-media since the Trilogy of Life, as well as Jurassic Park ending its current chapter (no it's not ending - I highly doubt Universal will have that). And quite a few palaeo-documentaries have also been announced for next year, so things are looking up.

The most beutiful thing a content creator can see

I hit new highs, in views, output, and writing, with Mesozoic Mind seeing views into the 1000s in a month, a rarity here, while views for pages hsve also soared, including one of my proudest achievements this year, The Stratigraphy of Palaeo-Media. I started social accounts on Twitter and Mastodon and even my own Discord server to promote the blog and expand viewership, all without resorting to heinous stuff I wouldn't dare do like... ad revenue and clickbait (shudder). I'm quite proud of it all and all my accomplishments at Mesozoic Mind.

And now, the obligatory "favourite posts of the year" list.
However, I admit that things were not all good. Quite the opposite: I felt a lot of urges to top last month's output, only to end up exhuasting myself and struggle to write well enough for my own standards and notengaging in the more in depth analyses I want, resulting in incomplete-feeling posts (even this one). I also failed on many of my goals, like that book and Patreon, never set up, since I all but forgot about them in the flurry of other crap I had. Oh, and as the year went on I stopped reviewing the more obscure stuff I intend for. It didn't help I had the Alternate History project A Hippie in the House of Mouse/When You Wish Upon a Frog going on too as a co-writer, and having to do both at once really didn't help me. Oh well, there's always next year to do it and not procrastinate.

Next year, may see me posting less here, focusing more on my own mental health and putting quality over quantity. I know that pretty much no one knows about this online, and honestly I'm okay with it, I just want even a handful to know more about this place and help get previously-forgotten works of palaeo-media new time in the limelight, just as the entire discpline of palaeontology digs up creatures forgotten by the slow march of time and the forces of earth and give them new life as it were.

I'm not sure what projects I will be doing next year in thr long run... but I have a few in the pipeline or have been meaning to do for a while. Here are sneak peaks of them.

Goodbye, readers! Hopefully I'll see you soon and we'll have an even better year, but if not, I'm glad we all had a good time together!


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