
Showing posts from January, 2024

Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia review

Hello everyone and welcome back to Mesozoic Mind. Day, who here remembers this video back in the day? If you do, you know what I mean. If not (or even if you do)... lemme introduce you to  Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia , yet another palaeo-documentary released for IMAX theatres during the 2000's (notably came out alongside Dinosaurs Alive ), during the early stages of the Awesomebro period when the Trilogy of Life was done and edgy tributes were coming in, and I adored the trailer alone for it.  80 million years ago, they ruled the earth. Come and see for the first time: real life sized dinosaurs... on the world's largest screen . Oh, man, that's still cool 17 years on. Also, I thought from how the trailer was edited the humans were gonna interact with the dinosaurs by travelling back in time to study the dinosaurs, Nigel Marven-style. That would have been amazing... Anyway, this creation of Quebecois creative Marc Fafard documents the Cenomanian dinosaurs of South America...

Books from my Basement (part one)

Happy New Year everyone! 2024 has fully begun, and admittedly i'm just waiting for it to end already. But that's not what we're here to discuss. Rather, we are doing something more fun and upbeat: looking at childhood memories! Last month, my parents were cleaning the basement, and they found stashed in a cat litter box, books we had put there years ago. What caught my attention were several books I had not read in years as I rummaged through it for fun. Surprise surprise, they were the ones about palaentology and dinosaurs, picture books and a magazine, and I immediately took them and reading them, even after the other books got donated to a thrift store. They came from the Paulian and Beebian ages of the 1990s and early 2000s when children-oriented books like them were all the rage and just about every book had something original to it So we're gonna take a look at some of them to start the year off, just as we look back on our lives and choices at the start of year. ...