A Whopping Small Dinosaur: A Whopping small review
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Mesozoic Mind! While the next proper review is still being written, we're gonna be tided over with a fairly short documentary from 1988 and San Francisco-based Harbinger Films, A Whopping Small Dinosaur! ( Link at Internet Archive - watch it while you still can!) This 26-minute documentary made at the height of the Dinosaur Renaissance documents the discovery and excavation of the Triassic dinosaur Chindesaurus at Petrified Forest National Park, albeit 9 years before it was even given a name as Robert Long and other alumni of the University of California Museum of Palaeontology in Berkley study it, while relevant info is also talked about, like the environment it was from and previous expeditions the UCMP has done, like with Annie Alexander . Fin fact: the specimen is nicknamed Gertie, after the saurian cartoon character from 1914, though the name appears nowhere here. While there isn't really all that much to AWSD information or cr...